
In addition to the standard golf rules, below are Chief One Eye League Rules:

  • RollingĀ it on or off the fairway
    • Player may lift, clean and place, no closer to the hole, at your discretion when the ball is in-bounds. This rule does not apply for out-of-bounds shots or hazards. Standard penalty must be taken in those situations.
  • Heather shots resulting in lost ball
    • If a player is unable to locate their ball due to heather, tall grass, or other obstructions, and their opponent agrees the shot is in-bounds, the player may drop without penalty.
  • Substitute Player
    • In the event a league member cannot make their scheduled match, they have 3 options:
      • Make-up Round – Player may makeup their missed round either before their scheduled match or prior to their next match. Score cards from the makeup round can be emailed to
      • Substitute – Player may identify a substitute and notify league secretary so that scorecards can be adjusted. Substitutes without handicaps will play with a bogie handicap +3.
      • No Show – If a player does not identify a substitute, their opponent will play against the missing players handicap +3.